.. PelePhysics documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sat Oct 20 12:17:48 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. =========== PelePhysics =========== `PelePhysics` is a repository of physics databases and implementation code for use within the other `Pele` codes. In particular, the choice of chemistry and transport models as well as associated functions and capabilities are managed in `PelePhysics`. `PelePhysics` has an official project `homepage `_, and can be obtained via `GitHub `_. The documentation pages appearing here are distributed with the code in the ``Docs/sphinx`` folder as "restructured text" files. The html is built automatically with certain pushes to the `PelePhysics` GibHub repository. A local version can also be built as follows :: cd ${PELE_PHYSICS_DIR}/build sphinx-build -M html ../Docs/sphinx . where ``PELE_PHYSICS_DIR`` is the location of your clone of the `PelePhysics` repository. To view the local pages, point your web browser at the file ``${PELE_PHYSICS_DIR}/build/html/index.html``. .. |a| image:: ./Visualization/PeleSuite.png .. table:: :align: center +-----+ | |a| | +-----+ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Documentation contents: GettingStarted.rst Introduction.rst Chemistry.rst Transport.rst Thermodynamics.rst EOS.rst Spray.rst Soot.rst Utility.rst Support.rst Tutorials.rst DeveloperGuide.rst Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`