PeleLM control

Physical Units

PeleLM currently supports only MKS units. All inputs and problem initialization should be specified in MKS; output is in MKS unless otherwise specified.

Control parameters

The PeleLM executable primarily uses a single inputs files at runtime to set and alter the behavior of the algorithm and initial conditions.

The inputs file, typically named inputs.****** is used to set AMReX parameters and the control flow in the C++ portions of the PeleLM code. Each parameter here has a namespace (like amr in a parameter listed as amr.max_grid). Parameters set here are read using the ParmParse class in AMReX. The namespaces are typically used to group control parameters by source code class or overall functionality. There are, for example, a large set of parameters that control the generation of the solution-adaptive meshes during the run, as well as the location and content of output files and logging information. There are also a set of parameters that control the details of the PeleLM time-stepping strategy, such as the number of SDC iterations taken per time step, solver types and tolerances, and algorithmic variations. These latter control parameters are detailed separately, in PeleLM algorithm controls.

Working with inputs files

Important: because the inputs file is handled by the C++ portion of the code, any quantities you specify in scientific notation, must take the form 1.e5 and not 1.d5—the “d” specifier is not recognized.

Problem Geometry

The geometry. namespace is used by AMReX to define the computational domain. The main parameters here are:

1. geometry.prob_lo: physical location of low corner of the domain (type: Real; must be set. A number is needed for each dimension in the problem

2. geometry.prob_hi: physical location of high corner of the domain (type: Real; must be set. A number is needed for each dimension in the problem

3. geometry.coord_sys: coordinate system, 0 = Cartesian, 1 = \(rz\) (2D only), 2 = spherical (1D only); must be set.

  1. geometry.is_periodic: is the domain periodic in this direction? 0 if false, 1 if true (default: 0 0 0). An integer is needed for each dimension in the problem

As an example, the following:

geometry.prob_lo = -0.1 -0.1 0.0
geometry.prob_hi = +0.1 +0.1 0.2
geometry.coord_sys = 0
geometry.is_periodic = 0 1 0

defines the domain to span the region from (-10,-10,0) cm at the lower left to (10, 10, 20) cm at the upper right in physical coordinates, specifies a Cartesian geometry, and makes the domain periodic in the \(y\)-direction only.

Domain Boundary Conditions

Boundary conditions are specified using integer keys that are interpreted by AMReX. The runtime parameters that we use are:

  • peleLM.lo_bc: boundary type of each low face (must be set)

  • peleLM.hi_bc: boundary type of each high face (must be set)

The valid boundary types are:


Note: peleLM.lo_bc and peleLM.hi_bc must be consistent with geometry.is_periodic—if the domain is periodic in a particular direction then the low and high bc’s must be set to Interior for that direction.

As an example, the following:

peleLM.lo_bc = Inflow SlipWallAdiab Interior
peleLM.hi_bc = Outflow SlipWallAdiab Interior

geometry.is_periodic = 0 0 1

would define a problem with inflow in the low-\(x\) direction, outflow in the high-\(x\) direction, adiabatic slip wall on the low and high \(y\)-faces, and periodic in the \(z\)-direction.


The grid resolution is specified by defining the resolution at the coarsest level (level 0) and the number of refinement levels and factor of refinement between levels. The relevant parameters are:

  • amr.n_cell: number of cells in each direction at the coarsest level (Integer > 0; must be set)

  • amr.max_level: number of levels of refinement above the coarsest level (Integer >= 0; must be set)

  • amr.ref_ratio: ratio of coarse to fine grid spacing between subsequent levels (2 or 4; must be set)

  • amr.regrid_int: how often (in terms of number of steps) to regrid (Integer; must be set)

  • amr.regrid_on_restart: should we regrid immediately after restarting? (0 or 1; default: 0)

Note: if amr.max_level = 0 then you do not need to set amr.ref_ratio or amr.regrid_int.

Some examples:

amr.n_cell = 32 64 64

would define the domain to have 32 cells in the \(x\)-direction, 64 cells in the \(y\)-direction, and 64 cells in the \(z\)-direction at the coarsest level. (If this line appears in a 2D inputs file then the final number will be ignored.)

amr.max_level = 2

would allow a maximum of 2 refined levels in addition to the coarse level. Note that these additional levels will only be created only if the tagging criteria are such that cells are flagged as needing refinement. The number of refined levels in a calculation must be less than or equal to amr.max_level, but can change in time and need not always be equal to amr.max_level.

amr.ref_ratio = 2 4

would set factor of 2 refinement between levels 0 and 1, and factor of 4 refinement between levels 1 and 2. Note that you must have at least amr.max_level values of amr.ref_ratio (Additional values may appear in that line and they will be ignored). Ratio values must be either or 2 or 4.

amr.regrid_int = 2 2

tells the code to regrid every 2 steps. Thus in this example, new level 1 grids will be created every 2 level-0 time steps, and new level 2 grids will be created every 2 level-1 time steps. If amr.regrid_int is less than 0 for any level, then regridding starting at that level will be disabled. If amr.regrid_int = -1 only, then we never regrid for any level. Note that this is not compatible with amr.regrid_on_restart = 1.


The details of the regridding strategy are described elsewhere; here we cover how the input parameters can control the gridding. The user defines functions which tag individual cells at a given level if they need refinement (this is discussed in Refinement Criteria). This list of tagged cells is sent to a grid generation routine, which uses the Berger-Rigoutsos algorithm to create rectangular grids that contain the tagged cells. The relevant runtime parameters are:

  • amr.regrid_file: name of file from which to read the grids (text; default: no file)

If set to a filename, e.g.fixed_grids, then list of grids at each fine level are read in from this file during the gridding procedure. These grids must not violate the amr.max_grid_size criterion. The rest of the gridding procedure described below will not occur if amr.regrid_file is set.

  • amr.grid_eff: grid efficiency (Real >0 and <1; default: 0.7)

  • amr.n_error_buf: radius of additional tagging around already tagged cells (Integer >= 0; default: 1)

  • amr.max_grid_size: maximum size of a grid in any direction (Integer > 0; default: 128 (2D), 32 (3D))

Note: amr.max_grid_size must be even, and a multiple of amr.blocking_factor at every level.

  • amr.blocking_factor: all generated grid dimensions will be a multiple of this (Integer > 0; default: 2)

Note: amr.blocking_factor at every level must be a power of 2 and the domain size must be a multiple of amr.blocking_factor at level 0.

  • amr.refine_grid_layout: refine grids more if the number of processors is greater than the number of grids (0 if false, 1 if true; default: 1)

Note also that amr.n_error_buf, amr.max_grid_size and amr.blocking_factor can be read in as a single value which is assigned to every level, or as multiple values, one for each level.

As an example, consider:

amr.grid_eff = 0.9
amr.max_grid_size = 64
amr.blocking_factor = 32

The grid efficiency, amr.grid_eff, here means that during the grid creation process, at least 90% of the cells in each grid at the level at which the grid creation occurs must be tagged cells. A higher grid efficiency means fewer cells at higher levels, but may result in the production of lots of small grids, which have inefficient cache and OpenMP performance and higher communication costs.

The amr.max_grid_size parameter means that each of the final grids will be no longer than 64 cells on a side at every level. Alternately, we could specify a value for each level of refinement as: amr.max_grid_size = 64 32 16, in which case our final grids will be no longer than 64 cells on a side at level 0, 32 cells on a side at level 1, and 16 cells on a side at level 2. The amr.blocking_factor means that all of the final grids will be multiples of 32 at all levels. Again, this can be specified on a level-by-level basis, like amr.blocking_factor = 32 16 8, in which case the dimensions of all the final grids will be multiples of 32 at level 0, multiples of 16 at level 1, and multiples of 8 at level 2.

Getting good performance

These parameters can have a large impact on the performance of PeleLM, so taking the time to experiment with is worth the effort. For example, having grids that are large enough to coarsen multiple levels in a V-cycle is essential for good multigrid performance. The gridding algorithm proceeds in this order:

  1. Grids are created using the Berger-Rigoutsos clustering algorithm, modified to ensure that all new fine grids are divisible by amr.blocking_factor.

  2. Next, the grid list is chopped up if any grids are larger than max_grid_size. Note that because amr.max_grid_size is a multiple of amr.blocking_factor the amr.blocking_factor criterion is still satisfied.

  3. Next, if amr.refine_grid_layout = 1 and there are more processors than grids, and if amr.max_grid_size / 2 is a multiple of amr.blocking_factor, then the grids will be redefined, at each level independently, so that the maximum length of a grid at level \(\ell\), in any dimension, is amr.max_grid_size\([\ell]\) / 2.

  4. Finally, if amr.refine_grid_layout = 1, and there are still more processors than grids, and if amr.max_grid_size / 4 is a multiple of amr.blocking_factor, then the grids will be redefined, at each level independently, so that the maximum length of a grid at level \(\ell\), in any dimension, is amr.max_grid_size\([\ell]\) / 4.

Simulation Time

There are two parameters that can define when a simulation ends:

  • max_step: maximum number of level 0 time steps (Integer greater than 0; default: -1)

  • stop_time: final simulation time (Real greater than 0; default: -1.0)

To control the number of time steps, you can limit by the maximum number of level 0 time steps (max_step) or by the final simulation time (stop_time), or both. The code will stop at whichever criterion comes first. Note that if the code reaches stop_time then the final time step will be shortened so as to end exactly at stop_time, not past it.

As an example:

max_step  = 1000
stop_time  = 1.0

will end the calculation when either the simulation time reaches 1.0 or the number of level 0 steps taken equals 1000, whichever comes first.

Time Step

The following parameters affect the timestep choice:

  • ns.cfl: CFL number (Real > 0 and <= 1; default: 0.8)

  • ns.init_shrink: factor by which to shrink the initial time step (Real > 0 and <= 1; default: 1.0)

  • ns.change_max: factor by which the time step can grow in subsequent steps (Real >= 1; default: 1.1)

  • ns.fixed_dt: level 0 time step regardless of cfl or other settings (Real > 0; unused if not set)

  • ns.dt_cutoff: time step below which calculation will abort (Real > 0; default: 0.0)

As an example, consider:

ns.cfl = 0.9
ns.init_shrink = 0.01
ns.change_max = 1.1
ns.dt_cutoff = 1.e-20

This defines the cfl parameter to be 0.9, but sets (via init_shrink) the first timestep we take to be 1% of what it would be otherwise. This allows us to ramp up to the numerical timestep at the start of a simulation. The change_max parameter restricts the timestep from increasing by more than 10% over a coarse timestep. Note that the time step can shrink by any factor; this only controls the extent to which it can grow. The dt_cutoff parameter will force the code to abort if the timestep ever drops below \(10^{-20}\). This is a safety feature—if the code hits such a small value, then something likely went wrong in the simulation, and by aborting, you won’t burn through your entire allocation before noticing that there is an issue.

Occasionally, the user will want to set the timestep explicitly, using

ns.fixed_dt = 1.e-4

If ns.init_shrink not equal 1 then the first time step will in fact be ns.init_shrink * ns.fixed_dt.


PeleLM has a standard sort of checkpointing and restarting capability. In the inputs file, the following options control the generation of checkpoint files (which are really directories):

  • amr.check_file: prefix for restart files (text; default: chk)

  • amr.check_int: how often (by level 0 time steps) to write restart files (Integer > 0; default: -1)

  • amr.check_per: how often (by simulation time) to write restart files (Real > 0; default: -1.0) Note that amr.check_per will write a checkpoint at the first timestep whose ending time is past an integer multiple of this interval. In particular, the timestep is not modified to match this interval, so you won’t get a checkpoint at exactly the time you requested.

  • amr.restart: name of the file (directory) from which to restart (Text; not used if not set)

  • amr.checkpoint_files_output: should we write checkpoint files? (0 or 1; default: 1). If you are doing a scaling study then set amr.checkpoint_files_output = 0 so you can test scaling of the algorithm without I/O.

  • amr.check_nfiles: how parallel is the writing of the checkpoint files? (Integer $geq 1$; default: 64). See the Software Section for more details on parallel I/O and the amr.check_nfiles parameter.

  • amr.checkpoint_on_restart: should we write a checkpoint immediately after restarting? (0 or 1; default: 0)


  • You can specify both amr.check_int or amr.check_per, if you so desire; the code will print a warning in case you did this unintentionally. It will work as you would expect – you will get checkpoints at integer multiples of amr.check_int timesteps and at integer multiples of amr.check_per simulation time intervals.

  • amr.plotfile_on_restart and amr.checkpoint_on_restart only take effect if amr.regrid_on_restart is in effect.

As an example,:

amr.check_file = chk_run
amr.check_int = 10

means that restart files (really directories) starting with the prefix chk_run will be generated every 10 level-0 time steps. The directory names will be chk_run00000, chk_run00010, chk_run00020, etc. If instead you specify:

amr.check_file = chk_run
amr.check_per = 0.5

then restart files (really directories) starting with the prefix chk_run will be generated every 0.1 units of simulation time. The directory names will be chk_run00000, chk_run00043, chk_run00061, etc, where t = 0.1 after 43 level-0 steps, t = 0.2 after 61 level-0 steps, etc. To restart from chk_run00061, for example, then set

amr.restart = chk_run00061

Controlling Plotfile Generation

The main output from PeleLM is in the form of plotfiles (which are really directories). The following options in the inputs file control the generation of plotfiles:

  • amr.plot_file: prefix for plotfiles (text; default: plt)

  • amr.plot_int: how often (by level-0 time steps) to write plot files (Integer > 0; default: -1)

  • amr.plot_per: how often (by simulation time) to write plot files (Real > 0; default: -1.0)

Note that amr.plot_per will write a plotfile at the first timestep whose ending time is past an integer multiple of this interval. In particular, the timestep is not modified to match this interval, so you won’t get a checkpoint at exactly the time you requested.

  • amr.plot_vars: name of state variables to include in plotfiles (valid options: ALL, NONE or a list; default: ALL)

  • amr.derive_plot_vars: name of derived variables to include in plotfiles (valid options: ALL, NONE or a list; default: NONE)

  • amr.plot_files_output: should we write plot files? (0 or 1; default: 1)

If you are doing a scaling study then set amr.plot_files_output = 0 so you can test scaling of the algorithm without I/O.

  • amr.plotfile_on_restart: should we write a plotfile immediately after restarting? (0 or 1; default: 0)

  • amr.plot_nfiles: how parallel is the writing of the plotfiles? (Integer >= 1; default: 64)

All the options for amr.derive_plot_vars are kept in derive_lst in PeleLM_setup.cpp. Feel free to look at it and see what’s there. Also, you can specify both amr.plot_int or amr.plot_per, if you so desire; the code will print a warning in case you did this unintentionally. It will work as you would expect – you will get plotfiles at integer multiples of amr.plot_int timesteps and at integer multiples of amr.plot_per simulation time intervals. As an example:

amr.plot_file = plt_run
amr.plot_int = 10

means that plot files (really directories) starting with the prefix plt_run will be generated every 10 level-0 time steps. The directory names will be plt_run00000, plt_run00010, plt_run00020, etc.

If instead you specify:

amr.plot_file = plt_run
amr.plot_per = 0.5

then restart files (really directories) starting with the prefix plt_run will be generated every 0.1 units of simulation time. The directory names will be plt_run00000, plt_run00043, plt_run00061, etc, where t = 0.1 after 43 level-0 steps, t = 0.2 after 61 level-0 steps, etc.

User runtime problem data

As mentioned in Setting up a new PeleLM Case, the user can specify problem specific data, provided that the appropriate variable has been added to the ProbParm structure defined in pelelm_prob_parm.H and the required ParmParse functions are called in pelelm_prob.cpp. It is customary to prepend the problem specific data with prob as done for example in the FlameSheet case:

#----------------------- PROBLEM PARAMETERS---------------------
prob.P_mean = 101325.0
prob.standoff = -.022
prob.pertmag = 0.0004
prob.pmf_datafile = "drm19_pmf.dat"

Screen Output

There are several options that set how much output is written to the screen as PeleLM runs:

  • amr.v: verbosity of Amr.cpp (0 or 1; default: 0)

  • ns.v: verbosity of NavierStokesBase.cpp (0 or 1; default: 0)

  • diffusion.v: verbosity of Diffusion.cpp (0 or 1; default: 0)

  • amr.grid_log: name of the file to which the grids are written (text; not used if not set)

  • amr.run_log: name of the file to which certain output is written (text; not used if not set)

  • amr.run_log_terse: name of the file to which certain (terser) output is written (text; not used if not set)

  • amr.sum_interval: if > 0, how often (in level-0 time steps) to compute and print integral quantities (Integer; default: -1)

The integral quantities include total mass, momentum and energy in the domain every ns.sum_interval level-0 steps. The print statements have the form:

TIME= 1.91717746 MASS= 1.792410279e+34

for example. If this line is commented out then it will not compute and print these quanitities.

As an example:

amr.grid_log = grdlog
amr.run_log = runlog

Every time the code regrids it prints a list of grids at all relevant levels. Here the code will write these grids lists into the file grdlog. Additionally, every time step the code prints certain statements to the screen (if amr.v = 1), such as:

STEP = 1 TIME = 1.91717746 DT = 1.91717746
PLOTFILE: file = plt00001

The run_log option will output these statements into runlog as well.

Terser output can be obtained via:

amr.run_log_terse = runlogterse

This file, runlogterse differs from runlog, in that it only contains lines of the form

10  0.2  0.005

in which 10 is the number of steps taken, 0.2 is the simulation time, and 0.005 is the level-0 time step. This file can be plotted very easily to monitor the time step.

PeleLM algorithm controls

The following parameters affect detailed aspects of the PeleLM integration algorithm:

  • ns.do_diffuse_sync: Debugging flag, do or skip diffusion of the mac_sync (int; default: 1)

  • ns.do_reflux_visc: Debugging flag, do or skip the viscous reflux step (int; default: 1)

  • ns.do_active_control: Turn on active control of the inflow velocity (int; default: 0)

  • ns.do_active_control_temp: Turn on active control of the temperature (int; default: 0)

  • ns.temp_control: The control temperature, used in ns.do_active_control_temp=1 (Real; default: -1)

  • ns.v: Overall timestepping verbosity (int; default: 1)

  • ns.divu_ceiling: DEPRECATED (int; default: )

  • ns.divu_dt_factor: Safety factor on the estimated divu_dt (Real; default: 1)

  • ns.min_rho_divu_ceiling: Minmimum density for computing the divu_dt (Real; default: 0.1)

  • ns.htt_tempmin: Minimum allowable temperature during Newtons solves to compute T from RhoH and composition (Real; default: 250)

  • ns.htt_tempmax: Maximum allowable temperature during Newtons solves to compute T from RhoH and composition (Real; default: 3000)

  • ns.floor_species: Flag, should the species be floored to zero throughout the time-stepping algorithm (int; default: 0)

  • ns.do_set_rho_to_species_sum: Flag, show the density be replaced by the sum of the species density throughout the time-stepping algorithm (int; default: 1)

  • ns.num_divu_iters: Number of passes during initialization that the dt is adjusted for the purposes of computing divu prior to init_iters (int; default: 3)

  • ns.do_not_use_funccount: Flag, do not use work estimate to rebalance workloads during chemistry advance (int; default: 0)

  • ns.unity_Le: Deprecated (int; default: )

  • ns.sdc_iterMAX: Maximum number of SDC iterations in the level advance (int; default: 1)

  • ns.num_mac_sync_iter: Maximum number of iterations taken during the mac_sync operation for the correction velocity (int; default: 1)

  • ns.thickening_factor: A multiplier that is applied to both the transport and reaction rates to artificially thicken a computed flame while preserving its propagation speed (int; default: 1)

  • ns.hack_nochem: Debug flag to shut off chemical reactions in the level advance (int; default: 0)

  • ns.hack_nospecdiff: Debug flag to shut off species transport in the level advance (int; default: 0)

  • ns.hack_noavgdivu: Flag, do not average down divu, and thus replace the velocity divergence computed on covered coarse cells (int; default: 1)

  • ns.do_check_divudt: Flag, check after the fact if the divu dt condition was violated, now that we have the mac velocities (int; default: 1)

  • ns.avg_down_chem: Flag, rather than doing chemical advance on covered coarse cells, average down the reaction source from fine cells of the previous time step (an attempt to avoid computing chemistry with averaged down states) (int; default: 0)

  • ns.reset_typical_vals_int: Interval (in coarse time steps) between resetting the typical values of all states via scanning the solution (int; default: -1 [do no reset])

  • ns.do_OT_radiation: Flag, add optically-thin radiative energy loss (phenomenalogical expressions bassed on specific molecules present in the run) (int; default: 0)

  • ns.do_heat_sink: Flag, add user-specific term to inject/remove energy locally (int; default: 0)

  • ns.use_tranlib: Deprecated (int; default: )

  • ns.turbFile: Deprecated (int; default: )

  • ns.zeroBndryVisc: Flag, call user function to modify transport coefficients on cell faces at the physical domain (in order to effectively change a local boundary condition from Dirichlet to Neumann) (int; default: 1)

  • ns.scal_diff_coefs: Deprecated (int; default: )

  • amr.probin_file: Name of text file to search for Fortran namelists used to set problem-specific setup/helper variables (int; default: probin)

  • ShowMF_Sets: Debugging tool, write all ShowMF MultiFabs tagged with one of the strings listed here (list of string; default: “”)

  • ShowMF_Dir: Debugging tool, Folder where the ShowMF sets are written (int; default: )

  • ShowMF_Verbose: Debugging tool, write to stdio whenever ShowMF sets are written (int; default: 0)

  • ShowMF_Check_Nans: Debugging tool, flag to check for NaNs in the ShowMF sets begin written (int; default: 0)

  • ShowMF_Fab_Format: Debugging tool, format of ShowMF set files (string; default: )

  • peleLM.num_forkjoin_tasks: Number of fork-join tasks that the species implicit diffusion solves are split into (int; default: 1)

  • peleLM.forkjoin_verbose: Flag, write to stdio some info while forking diffusion work (int; default: )

  • peleLM.num_deltaT_iters_MAX: Maximum number of iterations taken to iterative advance the enthalpy equation via temperature solves(int; default: )

  • peleLM.deltaT_norm_max: Tolerance of iterative solve for iterative enthalpy solve (Real; default: 1.e-12)

  • peleLM.deltaT_verbose: Flag, write to stdio some info during ierative enthalpy solve (int; default: 0)

  • ht.chem_box_chop_threshold: Parameter used when refining box layout for chemistry solves (int; default: )

  • ht.plot_reactions: Flag, add reactions to plotfiles (int; default: 0)

  • ht.plot_consumption: Flag, add rate of consumption to plotfiles (int; default: 0)

  • ht.plot_auxDiags: Flag, compute auxiliary diagnostics when doing reactions (int; default: 0)

  • ht.plot_heat_release: Flag, add heat release to plotfiles (int; default: 0)

  • ht.new_T_threshold: DEPRECATED (int; default: )

  • ht.do_curvature_sample: Flag, add curvature of the temperature field to plotfiles (int; default: 0)

  • ht.typValY_NAME: Override the typical value used for the chemical species, NAME (int; default: -1 (do not override))

  • ht.typValY_Temp: Override the typical value used for the temperature (int; default: -1 (do not override))

  • ht.typValY_RhoH: Override the typical value used for the RhoH (int; default: -1 (do not override))

  • ht.typValY_Vel: Override the typical value used for the velocity (int; default: -1 (do not override))

  • ht.pltfile: Name of pltfile to use for initializing data based on previous calculation (string; default: <blank>)

  • ht.velocity_plotfile: Name of a plotfile to use for initializing the velocity field based on a previous calculation (stribng; default: <blank>)

  • ht.plot_rhoydot: Flag, add rhoY of all chemical species to plotfiels (int; default: 0)

  • ns.fuelName: Name of species to associate with the fuel (string; default: <blank>)

  • ns.consumptionName: Name(s) of species to plot the consumption of if plot_consumption = 1 (int; default: <blank>)

  • ns.oxidizerName: Name of species to associate with the oxidizer (string; default: <blank>)

  • ns.productName: Name of species to associate with the product (string; default: <blank>)

  • ns.flameTracName: Name of species to associate with a flame tracer (string; default: <blank>)

  • ns.do_group_bndry_fills: DEPRECATED (int; default: )

  • ns.speciesScaleFile: Name of a file containing species scales (string; default: <blank>)

  • ns.verbose_vode: Flag, write to stdout information associated with the chemistry solve (int; default: )