Getting Started

The PeleMP code can be obtained via GitHub. PeleMP is the repository of multiphysics capabilities for use with other Pele codes:

Since the suite of Pele codes are in active development, the easiest method to access PeleMP for end-users is through the PeleProduction repository.

  1. Clone the PeleProduction repo and switch the appropriate branch:

    git clone PeleProduction
    cd PeleProduction
    git checkout Landon/soot_and_spray
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  2. Access the directory of test problems for PeleMP

    cd PeleMPruns
  3. Access the directory of the Pele code you wish to interface with, either PeleC, PeleLM, or PeleLMeX.

  4. Access the directory of the relevant problem type, either spray_flame for a spray injection case, or laminar_soot for a sooting flame case. These are just two example problems to help demonstrate the capabilities of PeleMP.

  5. Modify the GNUmakefile according to the desired build type (compiler, MPI, chemistry, soot and spray flags, etc).

  6. Run the build script in the directory ./