Source code

The following provides an overview of PeleLMeX source code, basic information on the data structure and is useful for any user intending to use and/or do some development in the code.

Overview of source code

PeleLMeX is based upon AMReX’s AmrCore from which it inherits an AMR hierarchy data structure and basic regridding functionalities. The code is entirely written in C++, with low level compute-intensive kernels implemented as lambda functions to seamlessly run on CPU and various GPU backends through AMReX high performance portatbility abstraction.

The core of the algorithm is implementation in the advance() function which acts on all the levels concurrently. Projection operators and advection scheme functions are imported the AMReX-Hydro library while the core of the thermo-chemistry functionalities comes from PelePhysics . Users are responsible for providing initial and boundary conditions in the local subfolder implementing their case, i.e. it is not possible to compile and run PeleLMeX without actually writing a few lines of codes. However, numerous example are provided in Exec/RegTests from which new users can pull for their new case.

The source code contains a few dozen files, organized around the pieces of the algorithm and major functionalities:

  • PeleLMeX_Evolve: top level time advance loop, with IO/exit controls

  • PeleLMeX_Setup: setting up the simulation parameters, parsing the input file

  • PeleLMeX_Init: generating the initial solution from scratch or checkpoint file, performing initial projections/iteration(s)

  • PeleLMeX_Advance: top level implementation of the time step algorithm

  • PeleLMeX_Projection: implement the various flavors of the nodal projection

  • PeleLMeX_Umac: implement the construction and projection of MAC-velocities

  • PeleLMeX_Advection: functions to compute the explicit advection terms

  • PeleLMeX_Diffusion: functions to compute the diffusion terms, using the operators defined in PeleLMex_DiffusionOp

  • PeleLMeX_Reaction: function using PelePhysics reactors to integrate the chemistry and linearized advection/diffusion

  • PeleLMeX_Plot: implementation of plotfile and checkpoint file IOs

  • PeleLMeX_BC: functions filling the ghost cells (at fine/fine, coarse/fine and domain boundaries)

  • PeleLMeX_Regrid: creating new AMR level or remaking modified AMR level during adaptive refinement

  • PeleLMeX_Tagging: mark cells for refinement

  • PeleLMeX__K.H: low-level kernel functions

Data structure and containers

AMReX 101

The basic AMReX`s data structure is the MultiFab (historically, multi Fortran Array Box (FAB)). Within the block-structured AMR approach of AMReX, the domain is decomposed into non-overlapping rectangular boxes, which can be assembled into a boxArray. Each AMR level has a boxArray providing the list of boxes of that level. The boxes are distributed across the MPI ranks, the mapping of which is described by a DistributionMap. Given a boxArray and a DistributionMap, one can define an actual data container (boxes are only lightweight descriptor of the geometrical rectangular object, containing bounds and centering information only), where each rank will allocate a FAB for the boxes it owns in the boxArray, resulting in a collection of FABs or a MultiFab, distributed across the MPI ranks.

To access the data in a MultiFab, one uses a MFIter (or MultiFab iterator), which provides each MPI rank access to the FABs it owns within the MultiFab. Actual access to the data in memory is then provided by the lightweight Array4 structure and it is strongly advised to rely on AMReX ParallelFor function template to loop through the logical i,j,k indexes. For example, to set the velocity data stored in a MultiFab called NewState with data from an OldState and an increment from a third MultiFab advTerm:

for (MFIter mfi(State,TilingIfNotGPU()); mfi.isValid(); ++mfi) {
    Box const& bx = mfi.tilebox();
    auto const& velo_old = OldState.const_array(mfi,VELOCITY_INDEX);
    auto const& incr = advTerm.const_array(mfi);
    auto const& velo_new = NewState.array(mfi,VELOCITY_INDEX);
    [=] AMREX_GPU_DEVICE (int i, int j, int k) noexcept
        velo_new(i,j,k) = velo_old(i,j,k) + incr(i,j,k);


For the example above to function, all three MultiFabs must have the same boxArray and DistributionMap

Users are strongly encouraged to review of the content of AMReX documentation to get more familiar with AMReX data structures and environment.

PeleLMeX state and advance containers

The state vector of PeleLMeX contains the 2 or 3 components of velocity, the mixture density, species density (rhoYs), rhoH, temperature and the thermodynamic pressure. The state components are stored in a cell-centered MultiFab with NVAR components. Additionally, the perturbational pressure stored at the nodes is contained in a separate MultiFab. Together with the cell-centered pressure gradient, the cell-centered divergence constraint and cell-centered transport properties, these MultiFabs are assembled into a LevelData struct.

Each level in the AMR hierarchy have two versions of the LevelData at any point during the simulation: one for the old state and one for the new state. The developer can get a pointer to the LevelData struct by calling :

auto ldata_p = getLevelDataPtr(lev,AmrOldTime);

with either AmrOldTime or AmrNewTime on level lev. Additionally, calling this function with AmrHalfTime with return a LevelData struct whose state is a linearly interpolated between the old and new states (but the other MultiFab in LevelData are empty !). It is also often useful to have access to a vector of a state component across the entire AMR hierarchy. To do so, PeleLMeX provides a set of functions returning a vector of MultiFab std::unique_ptr aliased into the LevelData MultiFab on each level:

getStateVect(time);         # Return the entire state (ncomp: NVAR)
getVelocityVect(time);      # Return the velocity only (ncomp: AMREX_SPACEDIM)
getDensityVect(time);       # Return the mixture density (ncomp: 1)
getSpeciesVect(time);       # Return the species density (ncomp: NUM_SPECIES)
getRhoHVect(time);          # Return rhoH (ncomp: 1)
getTempVect(time);          # Return temperature (ncomp: 1)
getDivUVect(time);          # Return divergence constraint (ncomp: 1)
getDiffusivityVect(time);   # Return diffusivity (ncomp: NUM_SPECIES+2)
getViscosityVect(time);     # Return viscosity (ncomp: 1)

where time can either be AmrOldTime or AmrNewTime. Also available at any point during the simulation is the LevelDataReact which contains the species chemical source terms. A single version of the container is available on each level and can be accessed using:

auto ldataR_p = getLevelDataReactPtr(lev);

Within the time-advance function, the PeleLMeX algorithm calls for the computation of the advection, diffusion and reaction source terms iteratively using SDC. At each step, the results of other steps can be used as part of the numerical scheme (e.g. the explicit advection with a Godunov scheme uses the diffusion term). These temporary variables, only useful in the scope of the advance function, are assembled into two structs: AdvanceDiffData and AdvanceAdvData. The former contains three MultiFabs for the separate diffusion term evaluations described in Fig. 1: \(D^n\), \(D^{n+1,k}\) and \(D^{n+1,k+1}\), as well as additional containers for the \(\overline{W}\) and Soret contributions. The later encapsulate the face-centered MAC velocities \(U_{ADV}\), the advection term \(A_{n+1/2,(k+1)}\), the pressure correction \(\chi\) and a forcing container used in the RHS of advection/diffusion/reaction solves. In contrast with the LevelData, these two containers are freed at the end of the advance function, and are passed around in the functions called in advance().


PeleLMeX inherits the MPI+X approach from the AMReX library, where X can be any of OpenMP on many-cores machines, and CUDA, HIP or SYCL for heterogeneous architectures. The reader is referred to AMReX GPU documentation for more details on the thread parallelism.

As mentioned above, the top-level spatial decomposition arises from AMReX’s block-structured approach. On each level, non-overlapping boxes are assembled into boxArray and distributed across MPI rank with DistributionMap (or DMap). It is in our best interest to ensure that all the MultiFab in the code use the same boxArray and DMap, such that operation using MFIter can be performed and data copy across MPI ranks is minimized. However, it is also important to maintain a good load balancing, i.e. ensure that each MPI rank has the same amount of work, to avoid wasting computational resource. Reactive flow simulation are challenging, because the chemistry integration is very spatially heterogeneous, with stiff ODE integration required within the flame front and non-stiff integration of the linearized advection/diffusion required in the cold gases or burnt mixture. Additionally, because a non-subcycling approach is used in PeleLMeX, the chemistry doesn’t have to be integrated in fine-covered region. Two boxArray and associated DMap are thus available in PeleLMeX:

  1. The first one is inherited from AmrCore and is available as grid[lev] (boxArray) and dmap[lev] (DMap) throughout the code. Most of PeleLMeX MultiFabs use these two, and the boxes sizes are dictated by the amr.max_grid_size and amr.blocking_factor from the input file. These are employed for all the operations in the code except the chemistry integration. The default load balancing approach is to use space curve filling (SCF) with each box weighted by the number of cells in each box. Advanced users can try alternate approach using the keys listed in PeleLMeX controls.

  2. A second one is created, masking fine-covered regions and updated during regrid operations. It is used to perform the chemistry integration, and because this is a purely local integration (in contrast with implicit diffusion solve for instance, which require communications to solve the linear problem using GMG), a Knapsack load balancing approach is used by default, where the weight of each box is based on the total number of chemistry RHS calls in the box. The size of the boxes in the chemistry boxArray (accessible with m_baChem[lev]) is controlled by the peleLM.max_grid_size_chem in the input file. Once again, advanced users can try alternate approaches to load balancing the chemistry DMap using the keys described in PeleLMeX controls.

After each regrid operation, even if the grids did not actually change, PeleLMeX will try to find a better load balancing for the AmrCore DMap. Because changing the load balancing requires copying data across MPI ranks, we only want to change the DMap only if a significantly better new DMap can be obtained, with the threshold for a better DMap defined based on the value of peleLM.load_balancing_efficiency_threshold.


The first step to debug anyh addition or undefined behavior of PeleLMeX is to turn the DEBUG flag ON in the GNUmakefile and activate AMReX`s floating point exception traps in the input file:

amrex.fpe_trap_invalid = 1
amrex.fpe_trap_zero = 1
amrex.fpe_trap_overflow = 1

This will slow down the code considerably, but will enable bound checks on all AMReX low-level data structure, catch floating point errors (using nans, dividing by zero, …) and any AMREX_ASSERT statement added to the code base. It is also often useful to visualize data in order to understand the erroneous results the solver can return. Developers can write to disk a single MultiFab using AMReX VisMF:


and can be visualized with Amrvis using amrvis -mf. Alternatively, visualizing the entire AMR hierarchy is also useful. PeleLMeX provides a simple function to write a vector of MultiFab:


which can be opened with Amrvis or any other visualization software. This last function will function providing that the MultiFabs in the vector all have the same number of components. Finally, another way of checking individual pieces of the algorithm is to use PeleLMeX evaluate mode peleLM.run_mode=evaluate and specify a list of fields with peleLM.evaluate_vars as described in PeleLMeX controls. Note that not all of the algorithm is available in this mode yet.